Sunday, May 27, 2007

Iran's History Pictures(1)

IRAN. Tehran . 1977. A belly dancer performs in a popular cabaret.

IRAN. Shiraz . 1971. Women in chador on a pilgrimage on the tomb of the ancient poet HAFIZ.

IRAN. Tehran . February 11, 1980. At the first anniversary of the victory of the Revolution, a man who has fainted under the pressure of the crowd is taken away.

1979. Armed militants outside the United States Embassy, where diplomats are held hostages

IRAN. Tehran . February 1979. At a rally in the Amjadiye stadium in favour of the Shah, a woman supporter puts a banknote to his effigy to her eye, meaning : "He is the light of my eyes".

يكي از دوستان عزيز يك مجموعه عكس با زير نويس از تاريخ ايران برام فرستاد كه واقعاً جالب بود ... شايد حدود يك صد قطعه عكس هستش .. منم به مرور ميذارم اينجا تا شما هم ببينيد. البته تو اين مجموعه تصاوير ناخوشايند هم هست كه ترجيح ميدم اونا رو نزارم

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