ما ميگيم هي استاد . شما ميگيد نگو استاد .... خب اين نامه شما نشون ميده كه استادي ديگه
بنده يك استاد بسيار بزرگوار دارم كه زحمت كشيدن مطلبي كه راجع به جهان سوم نوشتم رو نقد كردن... البته نقد كه نه بهتره بگم شخمش زدن! من واقعاً حيفم اومد كه اين نقد زيبا رو اينجا نيارم و دوستان ديگه هم نخونن
تنها چيزي كه ميتونم بگم اينه كه ممنون بخاطر وقتي كه صرف كردين و مطلب رو مورد مداقه قرار دادين
نكته ديگه اينه كه واقعاً مطالب تو وب لاگ فقط خارشهاي روشنفكرانه هستش و بيشتر تحليل ها و تجربيات شخصي خودم هست تا مطالب مبتني بر تحقيق و مطالعه.
مسلماٌ وقتي هر مطلبي از گستره مخاطبين بيشتري برخوردار بشه بايد كار بيشتري روش انجام بگيره ولي چون مخاطبين اين نوشته ها خيلي محدوده و شايد بزور به بيست نفر خواننده روزانه برسه بخاطر همين خيلي آبكي هستش
در كل معتقدم كه مطالب توي وب لاگ تعريف متفاوتي از مطالب توي يك ژورنال اينترنتي داره... بيشتر دفترچه يادداشت روزانه هستش .... بخاطر همين از اين چاهي كه من هر روز ميكنم نه نوني در مي آيد نه آبي
ممنون از بودنتون و ممنون از خوندنتون
مخلصيم استاد
Salaam Babak,
You got some good points here but I think that on the whole :
1. Ur approach (call it 'self-criticism' or whatever) is v much like the contemporary avantgarde Iranian film directors who gain their worldwide reputation by creating a shit out of their own people, customs & popular culture,
2. U've clearly fallen for some very common cognitive errors, viz:
-Dichotomous thinking
-"Shoulds", instead of "coulds" (very 'Catholic' & didactic indeed!)
-Unfair comparisons, &
-Emotional reasoning.
Moreover, u r basing ur conclusions (v judgmental I'm sorry to say) on YOUR OWN views & percepts rather than facts, figures or expert opinions.
This, dooste aziz; even if gains u some bread/reputation etc... in the short term, will definitely not help u gain the hearts & minds of ur readers in the medium-long term, & will only lead into creating urself more & more enemies. It's worthwhile remembering that this sort of 'constructive self-criticism' (although quite in vogue among expats these days), is @ the end of the day basically just like 'spitting in the fan' (hamoon 'tofe sar-baalaaye' khodemoon). So? So maybe u can be sort of Dr Soroosh ish OR Seyyed Ebrahim Nabavi ish, but I doubt if a bit of both wd eventually (if at all) work (for ur info, I like neither)!
Hope it won't take u long to find out that what lies behind those clean shaven solemn robot faces wearing a 'social smile' and a tie and saying , "oops sorry"; and that that piercing, tatooing or wearing jeans & sneakers @ work to look 'casual & trendy', is essentially not too different than what u r ridiculing here, be it rhinoplasty, wearing a mini skirt under chador o maghna@eh, etc.
One last thing: what is UR solution? Eugenics by injecting American or Aussie sperm into Iranian women's wombs (or vice vesa), 'Eslaame naabe Mohammmmdi va khatte sorkhe shahaadat o Shi@eye Alavi instead of Safavi (according to the late great 'Mo@lleme Kabeer', mass exodus of all agha Majids, a 'miracle' or...? Study the history of the Roman Empire and how the Romans categorized the people of the world into Romans & Non-Romans according to their 'Roman Law', and the citizens of Rome herself, into 'Patricians' & 'Plebians', and... , ....and their ultimate doom in the hands of the same 'barbarians' ( their equivalent of the Westerners' "jahaane 3voomis"); and u'll probably notice that the term '3rd world' is just a misnomer, and even that, @ best.
All the Best
Mirza Benvis
P.S. U can also look up the definition of '3rd World' in Wikipedia, i.e, for a start (for some reason I'm unable to cut & paste it here for u).
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