Saturday, June 23, 2007


بنظرم يكي از تفاوتهاي عمده در نامه نگاري ما ايرانيا با بسياري از اين غربي ها تو تشكر كردن از همديگر است. ما ايرانيا كمتر از همديگه تشكر مي كنيم. ولي اينا اينجوري نيستن. مثلاً شما ميخواهيد بريد سر يك كار، رزومه مي فرستيد و بعدش واستون يك نامه مياد كه تشكر ميكنه از رزومه اي كه فرستاديد.. حتي تشكر ميكنن از انتقادي كه ازشون دارين
بسياري از ما ايرانيا خيلي از همديگه طلبكاريم و فكر مي كنيم اگه يك كسي يك كاري كه واسمون انجام ميده وظيفشه. ولي اينجوري نيست. ماها بايد واسه كوچكترين كار هم از ديگران تشكر كنيم
تشكر كردن خيلي كار خوبيه چون باعث يك ارتباط مثبت و خوب ميشه.... واقعاً يك تشكر خشك و خالي هم به رشد معنوي آدما خيلي كمك ميكنه.. چون نشون ميده خوبي از چشمتون پنهان نمونده


Monday, June 11, 2007

رنگين كمان

من تا حالا رنگين كمان به اين قشنگي نديده بودم... واقعاً كمانش كامل و سيصد و شصت درجه بود .. حيف كه با دوربينم نمي شد از كل قوسش عكس بگيرم.. مليكا از ديدن اين رنگين كمان شديداً به وجد اومده بود و با صداي بلند قهقهه مي زد... من هيچوقت تو عمرم اينقدر شاد نديده بودمش.... واقعاً آب و هواي اينجا محشره ... خيلي از ماها قدر اين آب و هوا رو نمي دونيم و اينجا هم غر مي زنيم.. ماها هر جاي دنيا بريم بازم غر مي زنيم... فرق نمي كنه چه استراليا باشه و چه ايران

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

The sufi master and the harlot

When the Sufi Master Abu Said Abil-Khair was once traveling through a town, the darvishes there greeted him with great honor and housed him in a room at the local inn. The clerics of the town were jealous of his popularity and his influence with the people, so they sent a prostitute to tempt him, and make him lose favor in the eyes of thepeople.

She came to his room as he was meditating and danced enticingly infront of him. But he did not look up, and no matter what she did, he paid no attention to her. Finally, he did look at her, and said, "Get out, you whore!"

She was suddenly stricken with shame and ran from his presence to her home. The Sufi Master's words put into a state of severe agitation.She could not sleep, she could not eat. She kept pacing back and forth as the words rang in her head. She did not know that Abu Said had spoken them with the full attention of a Sufi Master, one who had completed the path of Love, and so the words had a profound effect on her.

For three days her mind was in this state, filled with the words "Get out, you whore!" "Get out, you whore!" until at last they entered her heart and became her zekr

And the whore within her got out.

By the mercy and compassion of Allah, she abandoned her profession and repented of her past. Eventually, she even became a disciple of Abu Said.

Taken from:"Muslim Saints and Mystics: Episodes from the Tadhkirat al-Auliya(Memorial of the Saints) By Farid al-Din Attar"